Acta Microscopica is the official journal of CIASEM (Interamerican Committee of Societies for Electron Microscopy). This journal is an international forum, open to all scientists and technologists that use any form of microscopy, electron microscopy, new scanning probe microscopy and also confocal and optical microscopy for applications in physics, chemistry, materials and biological sciences, for publishing their research. The journal has appointed eminent scientists from around the world to be Regional Editors. Acta Microscopica was founded in 1992 and publishes two issues per year. The article covers scientific articles in applications to life and material sciences. Review and educational articles on different topics of interest related to microscopy, also articles in methods, techniques, and instrumentation. Articles are reviewed by at least two international experts in the field. Readers may download material for their own use only or for use as educational materials. No commercial use is allowed without prior written consent.

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