Niobium for Biomedical Applications: in Vitro Evaluation
Bnízilian researchers have concentrated studies on the possibility of bringing up metallic niobium as another option for biomedical applications. The main reason for these interests is the fact that Brazil possesses the largest niobium resources in the world. Titanium is widely used for s1ructural implants due to 1o its biocoiiipatibiliLy however niobium is also considered a biocompatible metal. In the present study in vitro behavior of human osteoclast-like cells (HOB) was evaluated on niobium (Nb) and titanium (Ti) sheets. ll has investigated the ability of those surfaces to support the adhesión and proliferation of HOB cells. The adhesión and cell morphology was investígaled by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The biochemical assay of MTT was used to evalúate cell viability, cell proliferation, and biomaterial toxicity. SEM and MTT results have indicated a similar performance for both materials. Nevertheless, in vivo behavior, studies still need to he evaluated.