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Andre Freitas Ribeiro
PEMM - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rogerio Marques Tavares Borges
PEMM - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Luiz Henrique de Almeida
PEMM - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Phase Transformation in Heat Resistant Steels Observed by Stem (NbTi)C - NiNbSi (G-Phase)
Vol 11 No 1 (2002)
Published: Aug 1, 2002
Precipítales present in three modifies HP steels after exposure at I 173K tur HHJÍJh were investigated using scanning and transmission electrón microscopy. Particular attention was paid to the (NbTi)C to G-phase (Ni16Nb6Si7) transformation. The influence of Ti in this transformation is described. The superior properties of the modified HP steel with NT and Ti compared with a single addition of Nb are explained on the bases of the amount of G-phase transformed during aging. It is shown, in this case, that the Ni16Nb6Si7 precipitation and that this silicide is a preferential site for creep damage occurrence.