
The surfaces of two commerciaí gold-coated studs used for ear piercing have been examined by scanning electrón microscopy (SEM), before and after ¡mmersion in a cell culture medium. The aim of this study was to evalúate the presence of defects in Iheir coating and their relation to the corrosión and toxicity. Coating defects were found in both kinds of studs. These defects allowed the contact between the culture médium and the substrate alloy, Corrosión reactions caused the release of oí metal ions. The substrates and the metal Ions released in a culture médium were analyzed by instrumental neutrón activable análysis (INAA) Nickel, one of the elements responsiblé for aliergíc reactions was liberated from the substrate into the cell culture medium. The cytotoxic eífect was observed in both kinds of studs.