
An investigation was undertaken for the study of the innervation and distribution of acetylcholinesterase substance, in the pancreas of Lepus europaeus- Bulgarian Rabbit by a deviced cholinesterase technique, in the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Higher Medical Institute, Sofia-31 (BULGARIA), in year 1980. After removing, each pancreas was infiltrated with Hyalase injection (1gm.Hyalase ampoule) which was dissolved in 5 ml. of .85% cold saline solution through pancreatic duct. Then the pancreas was treated with Co2 gas for 15-20 minutes and later on, it was kept in small woolen bag (filled with condensed carbon di-oxide gas), for 10 minutes, and rest of the process was followed as described in ‘Materials and Methods’. During microscopic observations of the stained slides (from 1980 to year 2001), it was recorded that the preservation of stain and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity were marked in various structures of exocrine and endocrine parts, both, after application of pre-fixation treatment of the pancreas, and in change of parameters such as, pH of buffer solution, incubation period., temperature and fixative etc. The preservation of the stain and the distribution of AChE activity were marked in the neural elements, such as ganglia, nerve cells, nerve fibers, nerve bundles, nerve endings, and other structures, such as islet cells, blood vessels and pancreatic duct. Connective tissue fibres and acinar cells were recorded to be enzyme negative.