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Fábio Goulart de Andrade
Programa de Pós-graduagáo em Agronomía. Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
María Cláudia Cordeiro de Negreiro
Programa de Pós-graduagáo em Agronomía. Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
Elisa A. Gregorio
Centro de Microscopía Eletrónica. UNESP. Botucatu-SP
Flávio Moscardi
Embrapa Soja, Londrína-PR
Ángela María Ferreira Falleiros
Programa de Pós-graduagáo em Agronomía. Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
How to Cite
Hemocytes of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae: morphological and quantitative studies
- Fábio Goulart de Andrade ,
- María Cláudia Cordeiro de Negreiro ,
- Elisa A. Gregorio ,
- Flávio Moscardi ,
- Ángela María Ferreira Falleiros
Vol 12 No 1 (2003)
Published: Dec 1, 2003
The aim of this study was to characterize and quantify the hemocytes types of A. gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in the light and the scanning electron microscopy. Six hemocyte types were identified: prohemocytes (PR), plasmatocytes (PL), granulocytes (GR), spherulocytes (SP), oenocytoids (OE) and vermicytes (VE). The PR (0.9%) were the smallest cells, with a voluminous nucleus, scarce cytoplasm and smooth surface. The PL (49.7%) were polymorphic cells with cytoplasmic projections in cellular surface. The GR (23%) presented cytoplasmic granules and phylopodial projections on the cellular surface. The SP (20.9%) presented the cytoplasm full of spherules and a smooth surface. The OE were the largest cellular type with homogeneous cytoplasm and smooth surface. The VE (0.5%) were fusiform cells with elongated extremities and a smooth cellular surface.