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C. Santos
FAENQUIL - Faculdade de Engen haría Química de Lorena - Departamento de Engenhana de Meteríais. SP. Brazil
S. Ribeiro
FAENQUIL - Faculdade de Engen haría Química de Lorena - Departamento de Engenhana de Meteríais. SP. Brazil
K. Strecker
FAENQUIL - Faculdade de Engen haría Química de Lorena - Departamento de Engenhana de Meteríais. SP. Brazil
L.E.G. da Silva
FAENQUIL - Faculdade de Engen haría Química de Lorena - Departamento de Engenhana de Meteríais. SP. Brazil.
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The importance of Si3N4 characterization by SEM at the different sintering stages
Vol 12 No 1 (2003)
Published: Dec 1, 2003
Silicon nitride (Si3N4) is a very important ceramic material for structural applications because of its corrosion and good thermal shock resistance and high mechanical resistance al high temperatures. The best properties ate related to the success of the sintering process, producing sintered samples with low porosity. Furthermore, efficient sintering programs must be elaborated to optimize the sintering parameters (such as heating rate and isothermal holding times) for better the microstructural control. The present work shows the microstructural changes on Si3N4 at the different sintering temperatures. Microstructural evaluation, examined using backscattered electrons (BSE) and secondary electrons (SE) in a LEO 1450VP Scanning Electrón Microscope, was utilized for the characterization of the sintering stages.