
In this work, the morphological and magnetic properties of molecular thin films of Co phthalocyanine complexes electrodeposited onto highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces by using cyclic voltammetry techniques were investigated. In order to study the influence of various cyano ligands axially coordinated to the central metal ion, three different PcCo complexes PcCo(CN)2, [PcCoCN]n, and [PcCo(CN)L] L=1,8- dihydroxyantraquinone) were studied. From the molecular characteristics, it was observed that the highest conductivity and highest roughness value was found for the PcCo(CN)2 specie in comparison with the other two compounds. Finally, by using Magnetic Force Microscopy, it was also noticed that the presence of the shorter doble-cyano group in the molecule produced larger aggregates with multimagnetic domain states.