
It was selected 88 patients with clinical findings: high blood pressure, edema, uriñe protein, and convulsión. Macroscopic lesions showed pallor mass, retiring, hard consistency, granular appearance with hemorrhagic zones. Ultrastructural findings showed: Mitochondria have centrally cleared and double size; microhemorrhage into connective tissue, with heavy lineal fibrin deposits into the dilated villy veins and vénula from the surface of the dissection planes of the hemorrhage, and the absence of venular me­dia . Marked reduction of venular's lumen with rupturing bleb of swollen endothelium cell. In some section including herniated endothelial cytoplasm from different plañe, venularbasement membrane is irregular with strands of fibrin. It suggest a course due to Intravasculardisseminated coagulation(CID).