
The epidermis of the leaf of Beilshmiedia rígida was studied by light microscopy, confocal láser scanning microscopy, transmission electrón microscopy, and scanning electrón microscopy. The outer epidermal cell wall of both epidermises measured 3 pm approximately and was composed of three different morphological layers. The outermost is the cuticle proper, that is ho- momentously amorphous; the cuticular layer, with an electrón dense network of polysaccharides identified by cytochemical procedures; and a región mainly made of polysaccharide, with lamellar appearance. The epi¬ dermal cell walls of both epidermises were completely cutinized and the reticulated network of the cuticular layer was observed at the anticlinal and inner periclinal walls. The adaxial epidermis showed protoplasmic projections in the outer cell wall which reduced the cuticu¬ lar layer thickness, but the cuticle proper and the polysaccharide layer remained with the same thickness. These structures were also observed in the anticlinal walls. Comments are presented concerning the possible functions of these structures.